Best in class templates enable you to collect portfolio companies' critical financial and non-financial metrics.
Key product features
From industry-standard templates to end-to-end workflows that collect and validate data, here are some highlights of Collect that GPs love.
Streamlined Data Collection
Best in class templates enable you to collect portfolio companies' critical financial and non-financial metrics.
Streamlined Data Collection
Automated Workflows
Effortlessly create end to end workflows to collect and validate your portfolio companies data.
Automated Workflows
Effortlessly create end to end workflows to collect and validate your portfolio companies data.
Intuitive Data Visualisation
Numbers alone don't tell the whole story. Empower your teams with access to analytics and insights that enhance decision making.
Intuitive Data Visualisation
Numbers alone don't tell the whole story. Empower your teams with access to analytics and insights that enhance decision making.
Frequently asked questions
Can I collect custom metrics?
We have a range of templates available collecting industry-standard metrics, but custom qualitative and quantitative metrics can be collected too, giving you access to the financial and metrics that matter.
Can I use the tool for ESG data collection and reporting?
Certainly. You can collect both quantitative and qualitative metrics, and we have a growing number of ESG templates available in the platform to use too. Alternatively, you can create your own ESG templates based on your firm’s specific requirements.
What templates are available?
We have a range of data collection metrics based on ILPA and Invest Europe standards, all of which can be easily customised. We’re continuously developing our templates too, to ensure they’re best in class and reflect what GPs need from their portfolio companies.